Academy #13314 1/35 Tiger-1 Late Version
Academy reissued their late-production Tiger I kit and it is a great alternative to some of the other Tiger kits on the market. Before I decided to build this kit I needed to gather all the references to build Michael Wittmann's last ride since the kit provided decals for SS Pz. Abt101 (007) Michael Wittmann near Caen France, August 1944. SS-Hauptsturmfuhrer Michael Wittmann was the most successful and famous tank commander of World War II, an Ace with 138 kills. The kit provides a very nice separate painting and decal placement guide for his 007 command tank (Befehlswagen). Having decided which Tiger tank I was going to build, I preceded to follow the kit instructions for tank version number 2. Only one known photograph for Tiger tactical number 007 was of the wrecked 007, taken by French civilian Serge Varin in 1945, still in the field near Gaumesnil where it had been stopped a year before August 8th, 1944.
Michael Wittmann's "Death Tank," tactical number 007, based on information in Tigers in Combat II, is believed this tank to be a January 1944 production command Befehlswagen tank. This is based primarily on the diary entries that state the unit took delivery of two Befehleswagens on January 3rd, 1944 (there were only three in the unit until it was refit with King Tigers. Further, the organizational diagrams show two rubber-wheeled tanks (007 and 008) from January 1944 right through August. However, careful study of the one existing photo of 007 reveals that this tank is not a January 1944 production, but rather a February production with steel wheels. The third tank of the HQ Company (009) is listed as a steel wheeled Tiger and it is possible that this tank was renumbered as 007 prior to Wittmann's command, but there is no confirmation of this.
Wittmann took over this mount (Tactical 007) from the battalion commander when he was relieved due to severe exhaustion on July 13th, 1944. Wittmann served with it until August 8th, when is group of five tanks was attacked from the flank by the 3rd platoon of A Squadron of the 1st Northamptonshire Yeomanry. Using both 75mm armed Shermans and a single Firefly, they knocked out all five tanks. Wittmann's tank 007 appears to have taken a round into the side armor that penetrated and caused a catastrophic ammunition explosion. More theories surround his death as it was also thought that Wittmann's Tiger was destroyed by a rocket fired from a Royal Air Force Hawker Typhoon" Mk.IB – attack aircraft. You decide for yourself. I also decided to build this kit box stock with no aftermarket added.