Revell #027172 1/87 Schnellzuglokomotive BR 02 & Tender 2'2'T30 - Model Kit
BR 02 (another designation: DRG 02) is a series of steam locomotives (steam locomotives) that were produced in the period 1925–1926 by the German companies Henschel and Maffei. In total, only 10 locomotives of this type were built. The length of a single locomotive (without tender) was 23.75 meters, and the service weight – 113.5 tons. The locomotive in Whyte notation had a 4–6–2 layout.
The BR 02 steam locomotives were commissioned by the German DRG railway line (German: Deutesche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft) as the so-called Einheitslokomotive. It is also assumed that BR 02 was one of the first so-called standardized or standard steam locomotives (German Einheitsdampflokomotive), which meant that they were produced by different manufacturers, but had many common components – especially when it comes to the steam engine. During the operation of the first test specimens, it turned out that the BR 02 steam locomotives were not very successful, mainly due to the poorly designed steam engine, which worked poorly at speeds below 70 km / h, was also complicated to operate and required a large supply of coal. All this meant that DRG did not order larger quantities of these locomotives, and in the years 1937–1942 the BR 02 locomotives were systematically withdrawn from use.
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