Tamiya #61041 1/48 Foke Wulf Fw190 D-9 The Focke-Wulf Fw190D-9 was the first production version of the Fw190 series to use the 1750hp Jumo 213 liquid-cooled, inverted V-12 engine in place of the BMW 801 radial engine. Its development was started in response to an RLM request for a high altitude version of the Fw190. The prototype was based on the
Fw190A airframe which was stretched to accommodate the longer Jumo engine, giving it a more streamlined shape. The use of an annular radiator in front of the engine gave the D-9 a rounded nose profile that was unique among inline engined fighters. It was first flown in the winter of 1941-1942. After a series of prototypes, the Fw190D-9 began production in June of 1944. It went into combat with the III/JG 54 (Green Hearts) in September of 1944, at Achmer, Germany, as top cover for the Messerschmitt Me 262 jet fighters then entering service.