Tamiya #61100 1/48 Fieseler Fi154C Storch Milestone 100th Release
During WWII the Fieseler Fi156C was used at every front. It had the wonderful ability of taking off and landing over a short distance on both smooth and rough surfaces, and was often used for reconnaissance and liaison. This plane has been added to the 1/48 Aircraft Series as a Milestone 100th Release. When building this model many thoughts on what it must have been like to have flown in the Fieseler Fi156 may come to mind when you are working on its long canopy, broad wing span, and body. This is aimed to be a beautiful edition to its series. Additionally, famed military commanders such as Rommel frequently observed the front lines from the Fi156. A set of 6 figures including a pilot and officer are included allowing you to easily reproduce a variety of scenes such like Rommel giving instructions to a staff officer. The Storch was closely regarded by many in the German military as a fellow soldier.